ABLE - Award

What a nice way to start the first quarter of the year. The wonderful Anne Culhane once again organised a beautiful exhibition ABLE - Artist Books Limerick Exhibitionof artist books from current students in LSAD and past students like myself. Such a diversity of styles it truly was a delight to attend.

They even had a few awards going and I was honoured to be awarded a prize as part of the exhibition for my artist book 'Every Soul Has A Dark Forest'.  I aim to get my book seen as much as possible (as I spent a long 3 months looking at it) so being part of the show was enough, the prize was a huge compliment and I am very grateful for the recognition.

ABLE 2016

Runs from 15th February until the 29th February. I only hope the show gets bigger and better each year!


Every Soul Has A Dark Forest, 2016

Every Soul Has A Dark Forest, 2016

Gone Without A Trace

It is so nice to get to work on commission's that are personal to the client and you are told "do whatever you want". That is what this commission I am working on is all about. Littered with secrets, reminders and hopes. Something the client will have forever. I am having so much fun with this particular piece, thought though at times as its quite a big one at 42 x 59.6 cm... I get so lost in it, in a dream like state. It's a magical place...

Progress... Gone Without A Trace...

Progress... Gone Without A Trace...

Look out for the rest of the progress and the finished piece on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Finished piece will also be on my Portfolio.

( NB I take commissions regularly but different times can be busier than others so do ask in advance to avoid disappointment. )


Once Upon A Time....Love Letters From Limerick

This was my finished piece for ‪#‎LoveLettersFromLimerick‬'s charity auction that took place on the 1st of October in aid of Corbett Suicide Prevention down in the Fab Lab Limerick . It was a huge success thanks to artists , local businesses and the general public. Sign painting got a new lease of life and it was great fun to get involved. When it comes to anything Mental Health related I am always delighted to get involved.

Stop for a moment...or three

When I got to escape during the summer with my very best friend Dervilla across Eastern Europe, I tried my hardest to take time out and doodle or sketch about the things I was experiencing and seeing. It's so important to remember to really 'see' and absorb whats happening in the present. To take it in. That's how you make really solid memories after all. We spend so much time worrying about whats ahead that we forget to witness how wonderful now is...
Now, that's me just feeling very nostalgic...:)

(Photo by the sneaky and talented Dervilla O Reilly, said interrail buddy. )